The cleanup of the former boatbuilding property included removal of upland impacted soil and sand-blast grit, cleaning of the facility’s storm water system, sediment remediation around two marine railways and portions of the shoreline and restoration of several hundred feet of waterfront aquatic habitat. The primary contaminants of concern were arsenic, antimony, copper, lead and zinc. The several-hundred thousand dollar cleanup of the upland and shoreline, conducted under a WDOE Cleanup Action Plan, involved the removal and disposal of five thousand tons of impacted soil and sediment, as well as the placement of 2,500 tons of imported material to enhance the habitat characteristics of the shoreline.
The cleanup was completed under EPA’s brownfield initiative which provided pre-purchase agreements between the buyer and EPA, the Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE), and NOAA to encourage the buyer to return the property to productive use in exchange for CERCLA, MTCA, and ESA liability protection.