The berths had been used by the Navy, and significant amounts of trash and debris were present in the top 5 feet of maintenance material. The new work material was clay.
DOF provided the following services:
- Prepared cost estimates for multiple dewatering/water treatment applications including geotextile bags and centrifuges
- Calculated hydraulic dredge production using proprietary computer model for hydraulic throughput requirements to size geotextile bag and centrifuge dewatering systems
- Calculated available capacity of upland disposal area
- Prepared plans and specifications for hydraulic dredge and disposal in multiple upland containment cells
- Assisted the Port in negotiating contract terms with the dredger
- Provided on-site construction observation to monitor permit compliance, construction progress, and remaining disposal cell capacity
- Prepared daily reports of project activity including estimates of work completed, schedule for completion, and photo documentation
- Provided nearly continuous real-time water quality monitoring with online results for real-time viewing.