The team at DOF is headed to Denver, CO June 2-6 for the 2024 Battelle Chlorinated Conference!  Join us as we share about the challenges and triumphs of serving the environmental needs of the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

Our team members will be sharing the following platform presentations:

• Lessons Learned: A 20-Year Review of the Effectiveness of Containment Barrier Walls in the Pacific Northwest – Trevor Louviere

• So Many PFAS Regulations, So Much Confusion: Practical Considerations Balancing Federal and State Oversight – Pat Hsieh

In addition we have six poster presentations:

• Lessons Learned: Long-Term Effectiveness of Bioremediation in a Low Permeability Aquifer

 • Intertidal Sediment Remediation in Lower Columbia River: Challenges, Challenges and More Challenges (Location, Location, Poor Location)

• Why Vibracore Sediment Acquisition Monitoring is Being Considered at More Sites for Remedial Design: Ongoing Refinements to V-SAM Technology

• Case Study: Employing Soil Vapor Extraction in Unfavorable Soil Types

• Improved Resolution in Sediment Characterization Data for Design via Vibracore Sediment Acquisition Monitoring Methods

• Drilling Methods Matter Even More in Sediment: How to Best Characterize Sediment the First Time


We hope to see you there!