Conducted under the Oregon DEQ Voluntary Cleanup Program, remediation for this lake included covering the lake bottom with a thin layer cap to remediate PCB-impacted sediment, excavating PCB-contaminated upland soils and construction of stormwater swale across the remediation area. [Click here for upland remediation information]
The original ROD remedy was to dredge PCB-contaminated sediment from the lake and place it in a confined disposal area over the upland impacted soils. When design investigations revealed that dredging alone would not be sufficient to meet cleanup goals, capping was then selected as the remedy. Dredging of the adjacent slough was required to compensate for floodplain capacity that would be lost when the lake was capped.
DOF provided the following services:
- Prepared Johnson Lake Sediment Remediation Conceptual Alternatives Comparison Report for dredging alternatives, including cost estimates
- Designed the sediment sampling plan, collected field samples and prepared the sediment characterization report
- Tested engineering properties of in situ sediment for capping design
- Prepared capping permit applications (JARPA)
- Prepared plans and specifications
- Prepared project supporting plans including Construction Quality Assurance Plan (CQAP), Site Security Plan, Environmental Monitoring Plan and Remediation O&M Plan
- Prepared construction bid documents and assisted in contractor selection (evaluation of proposals, interviews and ranking)
- Prepared RFI responses and reviewed submittals
- Managed construction meetings, conducted on-site coordination with contractor and owner and provided field support inspections and observations documented with daily field reports and photos.
Stormwater Management+
After the remediation project concluded, DOF was brought on to help the Facility manage their stormwater program in 2013 due to benchmark exceedances of various parameters at all five of their stormwater outfalls. DOF personnel worked with Owens staff to implement stormwater BMPs and train the staff in stormwater sampling. Since then, the number of outfalls that need to be sampled has been reduced from five to just one and the number of parameters to analyze has been reduced from eight parameters to just two, per monitoring waivers that were granted by Oregon DEQ in response to the facility’s recent sampling results.
DOF Services:
- Stormwater sampling training for Owens-Brockway staff
- Preparation of Tier I/Tier II reports
- Preparation of Discharge Monitoring Reports
- Preparation of Monitoring Waiver Requests for submission to DEQ, which resulted in Facility only having to sample one of their five outfalls
- Investigative sampling to determine source for high phosphorous concentrations at outfall
- Identification and implementation of stormwater Best Management Practices
- Assist in preparation for regulatory inspections
- Engineering evaluation of site after geometric mean exceedances
- Design of treatment system to target phosphorous at outfall