Georgetown is a former hazardous waste TSD located in Seattle, WA. Stormwater drains to both City of Seattle storm drains as well as combined sewer outfalls. DOF personnel have provided stormwater services to Stericycle in support of remedial activities both offsite and on adjacent properties (private and in City right of way). The remediation included: excavation and removal of PCB and VOC-contaminated soils, drilling for installation of injection, extraction, and monitoring wells, design and installation of a stormwater infiltration gallery and ongoing operations of a hydraulic containment system for capture and treatment of contaminated groundwater.
Seattle requires Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) as part of redevelopment activities, including remedial actions. By incorporating stormwater infiltration for the areas that were excavated, Stericycle was able to reduce implementation and long-term O&M costs (since the installation of flow control and additional treatment systems were not required.)
DOF Services:
- WA DOE Construction Stormwater Permitting
- Seattle Public Utilities Large Project Permitting
- Seattle Dept. of Transportation Permitting
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(s)
- Stormwater BMP inspection and discharge monitoring
- Preparation of discharge authorization requests for King County Industrial Waste
- Design, construction and testing of an infiltration gallery
- Regulatory negotiations and inspection support
- Traffic and Control Plans and Public notification support